Marlwood 6th form would like to welcome back all our 6th form students after the festive break and hope you had a fantastic two weeks. Looking ahead there are a few events in the coming term which we would like to draw your attention to:
Friday 8th January
Year 12 and 13 Exam data will be released to students following term 2's mock exams.
Thursday 14th January
Castle 6th form will be holding a Year 12 Parents Evening for all students studying courses at the Thornbury site.
Monday 25th January
Castle 6th form will issue progress data for those students studying at the Thornbury site.
Monday 8th - Friday 12th February
Marlwood and Castle Schools closed for school holiday.
Looking further ahead there are two exciting events for all year 12 students during term 4:
Tuesday 16th February
Ambitions Event, held at the University of the West of England
Year 12 students will have the opportunity to get advice and visit the stands of Further and Higher Education institutions and over 50 employers displaying at the event throughout the day.
Monday 14th March
UCAS Convention, held at the University of the West of England.
The event will give Year 12 students the opportunity to find out about a huge range of university courses and opportunities.
Further information and permission letter will be sent home to all Year 12 students later this term regarding both the Ambitions Event and UCAS Convention.